“Those who achieve great things place people at the heart”
Paihong upholds the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and adhere to the conventions of the International Labour Organization. We strive to create a workplace that is human-centered, diverse, inclusive, and equal. We support employees in utilizing their strengths within their respective fields and actively provide various training programs to uncover their maximum potentials, helping them achieve their career goals.
Paihong upholds the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and adhere to the conventions of the International Labour Organization. We strive to create a workplace that is human-centered, diverse, inclusive, and equal. We support employees in utilizing their strengths within their respective fields and actively provide various training programs to uncover their maximum potentials, helping them achieve their career goals.
Paihong is dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of its employees. New employees are mandated to take position-specific pre-job training, familiarizing themselves with workplace safety protocol, production line operations, and emergency procedures. To build a talent pipeline for the future, Paihong also offers our employees various training programs tailored to different job positions and career stages to foster the comprehensive development of their skills and competencies.
Paihong offers competitive numeration package and builds a fair and transparent salary structure to attract and retain talents. We strive to create a diverse and fair workplace environment, ensuring everyone’s performance is evaluated based on an objective assessment framework.
Paihong supports employees in forming labor union, acting as a communication channel for employees to voice their suggestions and opinions, and electing representatives to engage in equal dialogue with senior management. The company signs collective labor contract with employees in accordance with the labor law and under the coordination of the union. We have established regulations to prohibit physical and mental abuse, workplace bullying, sexual harassment and any forms of discrimination.
From the perspective of sustainable social development, the company strives to give back to society to the best of its ability. We value our relationship with the local community and ensure that indigenous rights are always respected. Our social engagement focuses on leveraging company resources to support vulnerable groups and provide disaster relief, as well as encouraging employee volunteerism.
For questions and comments regarding our sustainability strategy, please email us.
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